5 Things Every Safety Signage Should Have

Safety signages play an important role in ensuring a safe atmosphere at the workplace. Employment of effective safety signages lower the risks of accidents by making sure employees are educated and aware of the possible hazards surrounding them.

  1. Clear Language

The language used should be clear, to-the-point, standard and simple which will be understandable for everyone. The font should be proper and the designs and texts proportional to make sure people understand the message it’s trying to give by giving it a glance.


  1. Proper usage of colours

Colours play a huge role in the making of any safety signage. For every safety signage a specific colour is to be used which are generally specified by governing safety bodies.

  1. Danger: Used for situations where there is a risk of serious injury or death if not kept away from. Red background with white or black letters is used for such signs. These are hazard symbols with a specific warning.
  2. Warning signage: A yellow triangle with a symbol inside it (generally black) denoting some type of hazard and is a warning sign. The triangle shows the nature of the danger or any kind of caution.
  • Prohibition Signage : Denoted by a circle with a cross at the centre, generally red circle with white background, it is used to show that certain areas are prohibited to go to or certain things prohibited, for example, a ‘No Smoking’ sign, a ‘No Entry’ sign etc
  1. Safety Instructions: This signage describes safety related messages generally related to health, sanitation, first aid, medical equipment and other general safety measures. Green background with white letters is used.
  2. Mandatory Signages: This type of signage is used for giving out specific mandatory information. Blue circle with white icon is used.


  1. Proper size

The signs should be large enough so that it can be easily recognized even from distance and the viewer can read it clearly. Similarly, the letters and image should also maintain a proportional and proper size.


  1. Proper usage of Signal Word

A specific circumstance requires a specific signage. Appropriate signage is supposed to be used to give a clear message to the viewers. If a serious accident or death is a possibility if the hazardous event does take place, a ‘danger’ sign is appropriate. However if there is a possibility of a minor risk, a ‘caution’ signage works well. For general information to be provided, safety instructions (Green background with white letters) work well.


  1. Usage of pictographs in certain signs

Safety signages are designed for everyone and are universal in nature. Thus, a picture will communicate in a better way than words. To maintain the effectiveness of a sign, using pictographs will let everyone understand the purpose of the signages irrespective of their language proficiency.


Thus, using safety signage can help in prevention of hazards and we would better be safe than sorry. It is important that the safety signage can be modified according to the needs of the organization and fits perfectly into what its utility is. So what are you waiting for? Shop safety signages and make sure your employees get a safe work environment.


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