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We have been working really hard to launch more products to our portfolio. The work related to that has kept us largely occupied. But henceforth we will ensure that we provide adequate info to our product buyers through our blogs.
As you might already be aware that recently we had recently launched our next line of visual signage product - 3D acrylic signage. If you haven't heard of them yet - checkout our insta page, launched them around end of August.
Moving to our question - should you buy 3D acrylic signages?
Answer to this question would depend to a larger extent on the following :
- Type of content required on the signage
- Frequency of upgrade required to the signage
- Differentiation strategy - branding
Let's dive-in.
Type of content required on the signage
3D acrylic signage are hard to manufacture due to the nature of material (hard fibre). Typically 3D acrylic signages would be available in a combination of probably one or max two colours. Due these limitations, the signage can only be used for content which is largely plain, such as nameplates of a person, room, building, and logos (these are the most popular type of content for 3D acrylic).
However, if you requirement from the signage is to express more than names and logos such as the picture shown above then the ideal option would be to go for an Easy to install foam board. These are highly customisable and literally anything can be printed to express visually.
Frequency of upgrade required of the signage
The names of person, room in hospital, building, flat and logos do not change every quarter. Changes to such names are rare and probably happen once in 5-15 years. For such signage, it's advisable to use 3D acrylic rather than an Easy to install foam board. 3D acrylic material is quite durable and has negligible wear and tear (expected product life is 5-10 years) whereas the quality of print on Vinyl stickers or could fade over period of time losing its purpose.
Differentiation Strategy - Branding
3D Acrylic signage is a premium product and when you see it in person it does create a kind of premium feeling that a typical sticker based signage might not. Therefore, depending on your branding strategy and brand placement, you can choose an option to opt for suitable purchase. However, due to customisation options available with Vinyl stickers and easy to install foam board, the decision would completely depend on the end user keeping in mind the above mentioned points.
We hope this blog has served its purpose to make an informed decision on what to buy next time you login to our shop. Further, if you have any doubts, you can ping us on Whatsapp, instagram, drop us a comment on this thread or email us, we will get back as soon as we can.
Cheers. Happy shopping.